
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis: CoK 3
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
The Isle returns with another six chapters from early Clash of Kings, and somehow there's no Tyrion chapters! This week I go over the left over notes for the final few 'first chapters' for our last POVs, get a double dose of Arya, and find one real weird weirwood above the Wall.
Today's chapters are:
- Arya III
- Davos I
- Theon I
- Daenaerys I
- Jon II
- Arya IV
The war gets worse, we go opposites on Dragonstone and Pyke, and the dragons finally return on this episode of the Isle of Faces. Glad to have you with us!
(I also get a bit nostalgic at the beginning when I realise what the date is!)
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis: CoK 2
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Welcome to our first full episode looking at Clash of Kings! This week I look through the leftover notes for six full chapters, including:
- Tyrion I
- Bran I
- Arya II
- Jon I
- Catelyn I
- Tyrion II
So lots of first chapters for characters, lots of opening and theme setting. Come join me on the Isle as I try to sort the mess out in King's Landing, plan a peace in Riverrun, and finally go truly beyond the wall...
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis: CoK 1
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
It's new book time! Today we enter the cruel yet oddly beautiful world of Clash of Kings, a story of power, war, and wildfire! Before we get there though today I go through the leftover notes for the first three chapters of Clash:
The mammoth prologue chapter by way of Maester Cressen (Hello Dragonstone!)
Arya I, with lots of crotch-kicking
Sansa I, with lots of Tommen-winning.
Also to kick things off I do a quick preview of Clash as a whole and my personal highs and lows for the book to come.
So throw on a crown, declare yourself a king or queen, and come join us on the Isle for yet more Scraps and Scrolls
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Isle of Faces: Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Readis Part 10
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
ISLE OF FACES IS BACK! Again! With Aziz and Ashaya returned from their voyages to Ireland we are now back on the roll with the ending of Game of Thrones. We are nearly there! In this second-to-last episode for the book I go through the extra notes for three different battles, we meet Walder Frey, we meet Longclaw. Tywin is on top, then Robb is on top. And then the Starks are changed forever when, in our final chapter of the day, we say goodbye to Ned.
Yep. Welcome back indeed.
Today's chapters are
-Catelyn IX
-Daenerys VI
- Tyrion VIII
- Catelyn X
- Daenerys VII
- Arya V
Don't forget to get in touch, we'd love to hear from you about anything and everything!
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Isle of Faces Episode 22- Scraps and Scrolls: Valar Rereadis part 9
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
We've got a whopper ladies and gents!
Today's Isle of Faces episode covers a whole 8 chapters instead of your usual 7 and clocks in at an hour twenty. Today we see Ser Barry hot step it out of the Red Keep, Robb and Catelyn plan a war, and what else...oh yeah, DEAD THINGS COME BACK TO LIFE.
Also we wave goodbye to the masterpiece that is the Eddard Stark POV.
Come and get your fill before a little Valar Rereadis hiatus, and let me know what you think of today's extra notes for:
-Sansa IV
- Jon VII
- Bran VI
- Daenerys VI
- Catelyn VIII
- Tyrion VII
- Sansa V
- Eddard XV (*Sniff*)
Don't forget to get in touch, we'd love to hear from you about anything and everything!
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Isle of Faces Episode 21- Scraps and Scrolls: Valar Rereadis Part 8
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Hello fellow Green Men & Women! I hope the Isle finds you well as we arrive at episode 21: Part 8 of History of Westeros' Valar Rereadis Game of Thrones project. Things take a very dark turn in this part of our reread as we begin crossing over into the book's final act.
Today's covered chapters are:
-Sansa III
- Eddard XII
- Daenerys V
- Eddard XIII
- Jon VI
- Eddard XIV
- Arya IV
So today you can hear me have a rest from Tyrion and Catelyn but go through the unused notes for a famous garden meeting, the series' first crowning, travel beyond the Wall and most importantly, Littlefinger wedging personal issues into gigantic matters of state, rule, and the Iron Throne.
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Isle of Faces Episode 20- Scraps and Scrolls: Valar Rereadis Part 7
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Isle of Faces turns 20! Somehow we've entered another decade of episodes, and this one starts with another of our Scraps and Scrolls, where we see a Trial by Combat, go back in time, and finally get a real introduction to our oldest of friend, the Iron Throne.
This is part 7 of our reread of Game of Thrones, and today I pick up all the extra unused notes by Aziz & Ashaya from the following chapters:
- Bran V
-Tyrion V
-Eddard X
- Catelyn VII
- Jon V
- Tyrion XI
-Eddard XI
The narrative is really picking up some steam here, and soon enough well...things will go downhill quickly. Get in now before it all goes wrong!
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Isle of Faces Episode 19- Scraps and Scrolls: Valar Rereadis Part 6
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Valar Rereadis is back! After a one week gap for Con of Thrones Aziz and Ashaya returned for a livestream this past Sunday, and here is your companion podcast, Scraps and Scrolls, for all the notes and tidbits that got left behind. This is part 6 of our reread of Game of Thrones, and today I pick up all the extra unused notes from the following chapters:
-Eddard VII
-Tyrion IV
-Arya III
-Eddard VIII
-Catelyn VI
-Eddard IX (Ooo we get to use new numerals)
-Daenerys IV
Thank you all again for your continued support, we would love to hear from you about anything from these episodes or any other!
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Isle of Faces Episode 18- ShakesofThrones
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Hello, and welcome to another Isle of Faces guest episode! Today I welcome the amazing @Shakesofthrones, where we discuss how Shakes/Lauren first fell in love with Shakespeare, play some Shakespeare-themed icebreaker games, discuss our mutual dislike of Lord of the Rings, and how Lauren found the fandom and began comparing the two different worlds and works. All that but Lauren treats us to which Shakespeare characters might fair best in Westeros, a brilliant take on Season 8 Jaime & Cersei and several other superb takes.
All that plus a Patreon announcement, hot pepper stories, Terry Pratchett talk, and yet more new games and sections!
Lauren's work on the fandom and on Shakespeare is unmatched. She is one of the most talented and intelligent people our little group is blessed with. You can find her here:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shakesofthrones
Website: https://shakespeareofthrones.com/
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Isle of Faces Episode 17- Scraps and Scrolls: Valar Rereadis Part 5
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Valar Rereadis is back from its short break and we're nearing the halfway point of Game of Thrones! Join me once again as I go through the extra notes there wasn't time for on History of Westeros' Sunday livestream. This week we analysed:
Daenerys III
Bran IV
Eddard V
Jon IV
Eddard VI
Catelyn V
Sansa II
All that PLUS a very special announcement: the ISLE OF FACES Patreon has been born!!
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiYwENpLDO4gyB4dBrMYrjQ