
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis: CoK 12
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
The ISLE OF FACES blasts into 2020 with the final episode on a Clash of Kings. Going through the last six chapters of this wonderful book we escape Harrenhal, wrap up the Blackwater, make sure Jon Snow's sword is sharp and say good...we say goodby....I'm sorry I'm going to need a moment.
We say goodbye to Winterfell!!! OK look at today's chapters while I dry my eyes again:
- Arya X
- Sansa VIII
- Theon VI
- Tyrion XV
- Jon VIII
- Bran VIII
I go through all these arc-ending chapters, update you on some guest appearances made over the holidays, discuss new aims in the new year, but more importantly talk whispers in the godswood, the new losses of Tyrion, Theon on the Night's Watch, Qhorin's sword-fighting ability and the death of...of...oh heck just press play won't you?
Find my guest appearance on Notacast here: https://notacastasoiaf.podbean.com/e/the-notacast-2019-holiday-special-episode-the-stone-is-strong-a-tour-of-winterfell/
Find my guest appearance on History of Westeros for a Clash of Kings wrap-up here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhOY6Z1CQLM
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis: CoK 11
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
The Isle of Faces is heading into battle as the BLACKWATER finally arrives.
Davos wrestles with wildfire and wild water. Tyrion defends the walls, defends the gates, and gets on one hell of rickety bridge. Sansa is left to do all the queening in the Red Keep as well as dealing with a cowardly Hound. And just to give us a break from the utter horror of war Daenerys finally leaves Qarth with Ser Barry (But there's like...zero wildfire in her chapter)
Today's chapters are:
-Davos III
- Tyrion XIII
- Sansa VI
- Tyrion XIV
- Sansa VII
- Daenerys V
I talk about the qualifications of Ser Imry Florent, how Jaime influences this battle all the way from Riverrun, how Ser Barry has had me fooled for 5 years, and one of Sansa's greatest ever moments.
So step on the Isle for horrible fires, brave charges, a hell of a lot of drinking, and Ser Jorah getting pushed on his bum
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis: CoK 10
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Welcome one and all to the eve of battle!
As the fires of Stannis appear on the horizon we busy ourselves with a double dose of Sansa, Direwolf dreams in the frostfangs, and a truly damned Theon. All that, and I promise not to get weepy when we bid goodbye to Catelyn as she makes one of the monumental decisions in the entire series.
Today's chapters are:
-Sansa IV
- Jon VII
- Tyrion XII
- Catelyn VII
- Theon V
- Sansa V
Hopefully this new schedule can continue and you can look forward to Scraps and Scrolls appearing nearer the beginning of the week so you can double feature with History of Westeros' Sunday streams
For now step on the Isle for Qhorin talk, Jaime details, and the wondrous return of Asha Greyjoy!
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Friday Dec 06, 2019
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis: CoK 9
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Everything is falling in this week's Isle of Faces episode. Winterfell goes down. And Harrenhal Nearly Daenerys too as she travels inside the famous House of the Undying. After a brief break the Isle of Faces returns with part 9 of A Clash of Kings as we turn the corner for so many. Bran now has Theon, Arya now has Roose, Daenerys has 1000 visions, and Jon meets a very special someone up in the Frostfangs.
Today's six chapters include:
- Bran VI
- Arya IX
- Daenerys IV
- Tyrion XI
- Theon IV
- Jon VI
Step onto the Isle for Rhaegar talk, Tyrion musing on Winterfell, and the final tag-team of Arya & Jaqen
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Monday Dec 02, 2019
The Great Castles of Westeros- Release Eve podcast!
Monday Dec 02, 2019
Monday Dec 02, 2019

Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis: CoK 8
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
You wanna meet people? Cos we got people! This week on the Isle of Faces and part 8 of A Clash of Kings we meet Cortnay Penrose, we meet Qhorin Halfhand, we meet Preggo Mel! Oh, and there is also a terrible riot, Tyrion's worst chapter yet, and the beginning of the end comes to Riverrun. Swings and roundabouts!
Today's six chapters include:
- Daenerys III
- Tyrion IX
- Davos II
- Jon V
- Tyrion X
- Catelyn VI
Step onto the Isle for Shadow Baby details, the inner anguish of Tyrion, and of course, the staple of any Isle of Faces episode: Jeor Mormont bashing (but this week I include Jorah too! Hurrah!)
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis: CoK 7
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
The shadows are gathering in today's Scraps and Scrolls. Theon begins his assault on the north. Ramsay comes to Winterfell. And Jon discovers buried secrets in a silent forest. But on the other hand we've got wedding planning, Tywin-scrambling, and Riverrun is off to war baby!
Today's six chapters include:
- Jon IV
- Bran V
- Tyrion VIII
- Theon III
- Arya VIII
- Catelyn V
Step onto the Isle for superhero Jaqen, proud Edmure, supersniffer Ghost, and tough questions for Arya, Bran and Jon
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis: CoK 6
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
We've reached halfway! But more importantly ITS DOUBLE CATELYN DAY. On today's part 6 of Clash of Kings the she-wolves take centre stage when Arya talks death with Jaqen, Sansa hits a low in King's Landing, and Catelyn witnesses not just a brotherly spat but also a shadow assassin. Busy day indeed
- Bran IV
- Tyrion VII
- Arya VII
- Catelyn III
- Sansa III
- Catelyn IV
Step onto the Isle for stooopid Lancel, wise Jojen, proud Baratheons, and the Stark women snarling strong in the middle of it all
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Saturday Nov 02, 2019
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis: CoK 5
Saturday Nov 02, 2019
Saturday Nov 02, 2019
My voice is BACK...kinda. On today's part 5 of Clash of Kings I fend off the last of the sniffles while also meeting Brienne (wow!), Asha (Brilliant!), Gilly (Yay!), Quaithe (Cool?) and.... Craster (Oh.) because today's chapters include some absolute gems such as:
- Catelyn II
- Jon III
- Theon II
- Tyrion VI
- Arya VI
- Daenerys II
So come and step on the Isle, especially if you like Jeor-bashing because I go OFF on the Old Bear while also bowing down to the brilliance that is Asha Greyjoy and piecing together what I call Balon's Bonkers Plan.
All that plus a great review recap, counting poisonings off the top of my head, and roughly 200 coughs I had to edit out.
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Saturday Oct 26, 2019
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis: CoK 4
Saturday Oct 26, 2019
Saturday Oct 26, 2019
I am....ALIVE! But my voice is not. After failed hopes for the flu to desert me by the weekend this shorter episode comes to you with many sniffles and coughs (though I hope I edited most of them out). A shorter episode, but with more packed in as I go through the scraps for SEVEN chapters today. They are:
- Tyrion III
- Bran II
- Tyrion IV
- Sansa II
- Arya V
- Tyrion V
-Bran III
Come join me on the Isle as I croak and cough my way through King's Landing (a lot), meet some horrible mountain men, and go dancing with the one and only Wyman Manderly.
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at