
Friday Apr 26, 2019
Isle of Faces Podcast Episode 06- A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms Part 1
Friday Apr 26, 2019
Friday Apr 26, 2019
A knight of the seven kingdoms was one of the best episodes of Game of Thrones ever, so we thought we had better get on with chatting about. The wifey returns, even while battling a cold, to discuss with me some updates on the more minor characters we discussed in a previous episode while also giving some general thoughts on the episode while also not doing any predicting OR arguing of any kind (nearly).
Come listen as we get emotional about Jenny, compliment Pod's hair and definitely definitely don't think about the impending doom just around the corner...

Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Isle of Faces Podcast Episode 05- Winterfell, Part 1
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Lady Buckley is back with me on the Isle to discuss Season 8, Episode 1, 'Winterfell'. In today's bitesize podcast we look at all the reunions happening in the Season premiere, and also break down into an argument about Sansa and Daenerys hilariously quickly. If you love a quick cast which includes some gentle analysis but fierce marital battling, this is probably the one for you

Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Isle of Faces Podcast Episode 04- Season 8 Premiere Bonus Episode
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Winter is here, and so is the Isle of Faces! Not to be forgotten on this most special of days, the Isle of Faces is throwing a short and sweet bonus episode focusing on the possible endings of some of our more minor characters. Come join as we chat about the arc and endings of Bronn, Podrick, Missandei, Gilly and Gendry. Oh, and my special guest this time out, for this most special of occasions, is none other than MY OWN WIFE.
Check out the cast before episode 1 hits tonight, see if you agree on our predictions for these lesser characters, then listen to us break into an argument over whether Tormund should have died above the Wall and how many people will die in episode 1.
And if its not for you, enjoy Season 8 anyway!

Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Isle of Faces Episode 3- Vanessa Cole
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
This month I am joined by all-around talent Vanessa Cole. She takes us through how she's involved in just about every way it is possible to be involved in this fandom, reveals the mythical beast she had to slay in order to gain the ability to draw, and also let's us in on one of the more unique ways anyone has ever got involved in the fandom. We talk Season 8, the show in general, Westworld vs GoT, and most importantly, we learn all about Vanessa herself. Chances are you have consumed some of her content at some point if you are a fan of ASOIAF, so please come and join us on the Isle of Faces, and consume a bit more.

Monday Feb 25, 2019
Isle of Faces Podcast Episode 02- Jinx Lierre
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Emerging from the distant mists of the past is the Isle of Faces podcast, with the long-awaited second episode. Joining me on the Island this time around is none other than the fantastic Jinx Lierre; super-fan, sex worker, activist, and Tina-Belcher-Quoter.
We make up for the long absence by packing together a monster show, where not only does Jinx tell us how certain members of the fandom reaching out changed her life and how the hot Nevada sun played a major role in her getting more involved, but also takes us through how sex workers are -in her own words- more important to the Song of Ice and Fire than dragons. Jinx is able to take us from fictional problems to real-world ones, and advises on how we can all help out and equalise the field for all. All that, plus dance tips, how to make a great entrance on the series, and most importantly: we chat some Skyrim.
Come, listen to Jinx's wise words, listen to my profuse apologies for being so slow, and listen to the wind whistling through the weirwoods here on the Isle of Faces Podcast

Sunday Nov 11, 2018
Isle of Faces Podcast Bonus Episode- Rememberance day
Sunday Nov 11, 2018
Sunday Nov 11, 2018
A special half-hour episode on the importance of Rememberance Day

Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Isle of Faces podcast Episode 01- Davos Fingers
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
The very first visitors to the Isle of Faces are none other than the legendary Matt and Scad of Davos Fingers! The lads not only tell me about their lives and how they came to A Song of Ice and Fire, but also how they essentially created a podcast by accident, just how those famous POV jingles are created and most importantly of all...who gets to be the thumb at Davos Fingers? Join us for a friendly stroll around the isle, and delve into two cornerstones of our fandom