
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis SoS 9
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Here we are, halfway through the pure diamond that is A Storm of Swords! But isn't the eye of a storm supposed to be calm? If so, no one told George, because we get some of the biggest events of the book in this here chunk, and definitely more than one that sets up even more central storylines in the second half of the series. In fact, our status quo gets completely shattered!
The Dornish enter the arena, we see Beric at his best and his worst, Bran makes a mistake, Jon makes his big break, and Daenerys somehow one-ups her performance in Astapor when she reaches Yunkai and delivers one of her best ever chapters as her legend grows.
Today's chapters are:
-Tyrion V
-Arya VII
-Bran III
-Jon V
-Daenerys IV
All of that, plus a PAIR PICK showdown between two Targs, a direwolf fight, Daenerys becoming a general (and telling Jorah Mormont off), a knighting, and some funky new music for the halftime shoutouts!
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis SoS 8
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
It's a big ole bumper episode! In the longest Scraps and Scrolls ever we see the great mutiny of the Night's Watch, a duel with a big fire sword wielded by a man in an eye-patch, wave goodbye to Hoster Tully, watch Davos Seaworth win the social mobility championship belt, and take a bath in Harrenhal. There is A LOT to talk about.
Our chapters today:
- Samwell II
- Arya VI
- Catelyn IV
- Davos IV
- Jaime V
All that plus a Robb vs Tywin Pair Pick, some talk on big goings on out in the fandom, Stannis being just a bit awesome, Brynden being just a bit awesome, and the Brotherhood without Banners joining together to give us one of the most beautiful yet chilling moments of the series inside the Hollow Hill.
BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY: A big ole session on someone we've probably spoken about more than anyone else on Scraps and Scrolls: Jeor Mormont.
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis SoS 7
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Today's episode is one of maybe a single high as Jon ascends the Wall with Ygritte, and then many, many harrowing lows. We have men in crow cages, the financial ruin of the state, the physical and mental torture of the Bloody Mummers, and one of the most difficult chapters to reread ever: Sansa's wedding.
Specifically, today's chapters are:
-Sansa III
-Arya V
- Jon IV
- Jaime IV
- Tyrion IV
Still, it's not all doom and gloom. There's Garlan the Gallant earning his name, a new episode of Harwin History, the Wall flexes its icy muscles, Brienne is a hero (again), and we get to discuss Tywin being rubbish at everything while looking at some shiny swords. That, plus the result of MARGAERY vs VAL in this week's PAIR PICK
So lets all hold hands, step upon the Isle, and get through this together
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis SoS 6
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
The Isle of Faces comes to Astapor in this week's huuuuge Scraps and Scrolls, and boy howdy does that mean there's a lot to talk about. Not only do we have to discuss all of Slaver's Bay and the next step in Daenerys's legend, we also have the Knight of the Laughing Tree, our best ever look at Melisandre, and Jon finding a love cave...but most importantly...after months of waiting...
I get to say DRACARYS on a podcast.
Nothing else matters.
Today's chapters:
-Daenerys II
-Bran II
-Davos III
-Jon III
- Daenerys III
Come aboard the Isle for some PAIR PICK discussion, meeting Mr Liddle, Melisandre and dragons, and we have to say goodbye to Ghost (NOOOO DON'T MAKE ME). All that, and in all seriousness, a lot of Daenerys talk.
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis: SoS 5
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
The Isle of Faces recovers from battles against dead men by saying goodbye to a good many things: Tyrion and Cersei's ability to choose who they marry, Rickard Karstark's head, and...oh yeah...Jaime's sword hang. No biggie. We take an even deeper dive into the Brotherhood, Tywin's true cruelty, and the growth of Robb Stark as man and king.
Today's chapters:
- Tyrion III
- Catelyn III
- Jaime III
- Arya IV
Come step on the Isle for a discussion on Varys vs Petyr as POV characters, the evils of Sybelle Spicer, and one hell of a swordfight between Brienne and Jaime.
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis: SoS 4
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
The ISLE OF FACES returns with a monster episode for an episode with actual monsters in. Every chapter is upping its game as Robb brings the Mrs home to meet his mum, Jon is forced to go all in as a spy, we get a pep talk about Beric Dondarrion, and the Tyrell roses bloom....FOR NOW!
But all of that pales into comparison to the main event. We've got giants, we've got Dontos Hollard, but the true monsters come to us in the debut Samwell Tarly POV, one of the most important chapters in all ASOIAF. DOOZY ALERT.
Today's chapters:
-Catelyn II
-Jon II
-Sansa II
-Arya III
-Samwell I
Come step on the Isle for major Harwin talk, the Stark kids all simultaneously thinking of Stark duty, the Highgarden dream, Robb's genius, and I'm actually nice to Jeor. All that plus a round-up of last week's PAIR PICK with some comments from the community. See you there!
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis: SoS 3
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020

Monday Jan 27, 2020
Wind through the weirwood tree: Kobe Bryant
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Kobe Bryant, 1978-2020, Gianna Bryant 2006-2020, and seven other poor souls lost their life on January 26th. It has been a rough time, thank you for letting me get this off my chest

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis: SoS 2
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
The onslaught of opening POV chapters continues on the ISLE OF FACES in our second episode for Storm of Swords. I discuss the survival of Davos, Tyrion vs Tywin, we get the tip-top Tyrells, the Mance-Jon mirror, and the insurmountable creepiness of one Ser Jorah Mormont as we switch our focus to King's Landing in the centre, and then Jon and Dany out on the edges of the world.
Today's five chapters are:
-Tyrion I
- Davos I
- Sansa I
-Jon I
-Daenerys I
So come step on the Isle if you want to hear a focus on Sansa's big moment, future tertiary characters popping up for the first time, and how Storm of Swords is already springing us from the old days to the new, especially in terms of cunning Jon and happy Daenerys. Also, more bad-mouthing Jorah and I rename Barristan 'White Bear'.
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis: SoS 1
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
The ISLE OF FACES is BACK! And we've got a brand new book to crack in to. One where the storm doesn't just have swords, but crossbows, dragons, mammoths, moon doors, mock trials, poisoned spears, and loads and loads of other cool stuff (Also some not so cool stuff. Come on, George, be cool).
But to begin with I start off with my notes that History of Westeros didn't have time for on their own stream for the first four chapters of SoS:
-Chett I
-Jaime I
-Catelyn I
-Arya I
So hop back across the God's Eye so we can talk a whole bunch of Riverlands, Jaime being a bully, the horrors of Hoster, how bloody easy it is to get lost even with a map, and those weird ice things that appear to be walking up the Fist of the First Men. I'm sure it'll all be fine...
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at