
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis SoS 16
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Here, in the middle of the end, we basically have two halves of today's episode. One is three chapters given over exclusively to Castle Black and the Night's Watch, while the other is us saying goodbye to two major characters with their final chapters. Perhaps the two major characters of this book. Jaime makes the largest choice of this book when he finally turns away from Cersei and breaks the cycle of abuse, while Arya leaves Westeros forever...but not before an incredibly written chapter of her gaining her first terrible vengeance. Back on the Wall one war ends, and another begins.
Today's chapters are:
- Jaime IX
- Jon X
- Arya XIII
- Sam V
- Jon XI
Step aboard the Isle for Mance being a great king, Oathkeeper being the best-named sword, Melisandre throwing flame attacks at eagles, and the brutal beauty of Arya and revenge. We're right into it here now at the end, surrounded by some of the very best that ASOIAF has to offer, so come on over and bask.
Our halftime shoutout today, the new Radio Westeros livestreams, can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2_o0cOZmjM
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Please do consider giving us a rating or review if you can, and find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis SoS 15
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
The monster episodes just keep coming! Would you expect anything less for the ending of a Storm of Swords? Today we only have four chapters, and it's still nearly as long as last week. Today is a day for tough questions on the nature of betrayal, the nature of unintended evil, and how big of a fist a human skull can withstand. We get a chapter full of Littlefinger creepiness (Get used to that), Jon defends the Wall against both wildlings AND bullies, Tyrion finishes one trial and begins another, and we wave goodbye to the wonderful Storm-Daenerys as she takes Meereen.
Today's chapters:
-Sansa VI
-Jon IX
-Tyrion X
-Daenerys VI
We have more Wall Warfare, the return of Lysa Tully, Oberyn's fighting skill in all its glory, dreams of Tyrion down in Dorne, and the judgment of Barristan Selmy and Jorah Mormont. Don't worry, that part is great!
Today's halftime shoutout, the Ice and Fire Con Youtube Page, can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTy_8FAINB4OTrXnQ77nw0w
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Please do consider giving us a rating or review if you can, and find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis SoS 14
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Welcome back for an on-time post! What a big week. Passed 50 total episodes, passed 20,000 total downloads, and now I can present our longest Scraps and Scrolls episode ever as we cover the highs and lows of characters both in the capital and far out on the perimeter. Davos gambles all on a heist, Jon takes command of the Wall, Arya has the most important wolf dream of the series, Tyrion's trial begins, and Jaime starts his reign as Lord Commander.
Today's chapters are:
- Davos VI
- Jon VIII
- Arya XII
- Tyrion IX
- Jaime VIII
Jump aboard the Isle for talk of what Tyrion on the Wall would look like, on the inner tactics of Donal Noye and Jon Snow, and the bravery of one Davos Seaworth (and Maester Pylos!)
Our halftime shoutouts (Found about the 1 hour and 10 minutes mark) can be found here:
BryndenBFish essay on Kevan Lannister: https://warsandpoliticsoficeandfire.wordpress.com/2015/07/04/the-lions-shadow-why-kevan-lannister-doesnt-deserve-his-good-rep/
Steven Stark Youtube channel:https://www.youtube.com/user/TheArchmagusEternal
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Please do consider giving us a rating or review if you can, and find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis SoS 13
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis SoS 12
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
You thought last week was long? Well we beat the record yet again! Yes, this is the longest Scraps and Scrolls ever, and for only FOUR chapters. But what a four chapter they are! After Davos gets his reading glasses on we get one of the very best three-chapter runs in all ASOIAF as the Triforce-Trio of Jon, Bran, and Daenerys all have major moments in some of my very favourite chapters in the series. Along with Dragonstone politics and kingly duties we get Castle Black going all Home Alone on the attacking wildlings, we get CREEPY in the Nightfort with Bran, some ghouls, and a talking gate, all before returning to Daenerys's grand conquest and her ever-improving leadership skills. This week it consists of a duel, an assassination attempt, and not one but TWO unmaskings. Phew. No wonder it's a long episode
Today's chapters:
-Davos V
-Jon VII
-Bran IV
-Daenerys V
What better way to get over Red Wedding gloom. Come, join me on the Isle for a bit of Patron news, where Davos beats out Tyrion and Ned as a Hand, a type of battle we've never seen before at the Wall, the possible futures of the Nightfort, and Daenerys going from strength to strength to strength, as well as Barristan proving that every single story you've heard about him is dead on.
From our halftime shoutouts today, you can find JoeMagician's Halloween stream on the Nightfort here:
His channel here:
And you can find he, Bookshelfstud, and Sanrixian on Twitter
Here: https://twitter.com/TheJoeMagician ; here: https://twitter.com/bookshelfstud ; and here: https://twitter.com/sanrixian, respectively
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Please do consider giving us a rating or review if you can, and find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Friday Apr 03, 2020
Sporcle Spectacular! Clash of Kings Opening Sentences w/ ShakesofThrones
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Morning! We're back for another dose of fun quiz time where we can all quickly get competitive. This week we start with Clash of Kings' opening sentences, and I'm delighted to tell you our special guest for the week is Isle of Faces alumni and much-loved member of the fandom, Lauren AKA Shakesofthrones. We always love to have Lauren aboard the Isle, and it's much the same as we tackle today's POVs. We've no more Ned, gained Theon and Davos, and have bunches more of the Stark children as well as Tyrion's famous Hand chapters.
We've loved hearing your scores so far. Keep sending them in, keep sharing, and keep quizzing. Tweet, comment, or email us at IsleofFacesPodcast@gmail.com
Today's quiz can be found here: https://www.sporcle.com/games/ckrubin/acok-chapters
Lauren can be found here:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis SoS 11
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Yes. It's true. We are here. It's Red Wedding week. Uh oh. Join me above an Isle filled with black clouds as we trudge our way through one of the most major events in all ASOIAF. It is devastating, it is complex, and it's going to require all of us. Yep, there's a reason this is such a long episode. Come for reunions at the Wall, Joffrey getting owned, Sandor showing off...and some other stuff I don't want to mention.
Today's chapters are:
- Jon VI
- Catelyn VI
- Arya X
- Catelyn VII
- Arya XI
- Tyrion VI
Unite, fellow Green Folk, for Jon's return to Castle Black, for the complete ineptitude of the Lannister family playing council, for dreams of what might have been in Robb had just kept on marching, and absolutely everything to do with the Red Wedding. Here we go people. Let's do this
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Sporcle Spectacular! Game of Thrones- closing sentences W/ Sanrixian
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Welcome back to the second of our brand new sporcle trivia episodes. After a surprisingly successful time with the opening sentences I and my special guest Sanrixian , ASOIAF artist & designer, take on the wayyyy harder closing sentences for GoT.
Will we amaze ourselves? Will we hang our heads in shame? How will you fare against us? There's only one way to find out. Try it yourself! And let us know how you do, we'd love to hear your scores!
Find the quiz here: https://www.sporcle.com/games/Cowboy777/asoiaf-game-of-thrones-chapters-by-last-sentence
Find Sanrixian here:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- Valar Rereadis SoS 10
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Welcome back from the halfway break! We barrel right back into A Storm of Swords with five more chapters that have a huge mix of foreshadowing, past...shadowing, and cool action. It's also a week of goodbyes. We wave goodbye to the Brotherhood without Banners, goodbye to the bear of Harrenhal, goodbye to Riverrun, and goodbye to Small Paul and Chett (again) in one of the most creepy, horror-filled chapters in all ASOIAF.
Today we look at:
- Arya VIII
- Jaime VI
- Catelyn V
- Sam III
- Arya IX
All of that, plus plenty of Sandor, the arrival of Coldhands, Jaime's weirwood dream, and the dreams of the Ghost of High Heat. AND our biggest PAIR PICK YET, along with a half-time shout out that'll keep you occupied for hours.
(You can find our half-time shout out post from BryndenBFish here: https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/flf914/spoilers_extended_down_the_rabbit_hole_a/)
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Sporcle Spectacular! Game of Thrones- opening sentences W/ Vanessa Cole
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Hello! And welcome to a brand new series here aboard the Isle of Faces! The trees, they are a-thinking as we begin delving into the first of ten new episodes based on specific quizzes from beloved trivia site Sporcle.
Specifically- When randomly given a chapter's opening or closing sentence can you identify which POV it belongs to?
That is the task laid before myself and special returning guest VANESSA COLE (!!) today as we go head-to-head over all 73 opening sentences for A Game of Thrones. And it's not just us. We encourage you all to get involved and send along your own scores. Either play along with our listen here or take on the quiz itself at this link:
Vanessa has taken a break from drawing/writing/podcasting/anything you could imagine one fan doing to find out if we will raise the banners or hang our head in shame as we put our POV and book knowledge to the ultimate test. Join us in our bravery, won't you?
Regardless, come and join us for some relaxed fun on this brand new ISLE OF FACES series.
Be sure to check back next time for the Game of Thrones closing sentences head-to-head between myself and another guest!
You can find Vanessa at:
Find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at