
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Scraps and Scrolls- ADWD 12
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
It's a very special reunion day here on the Isle. Firstly we get just our second Asha chapter as true winter lands and scatters all Stannis's royal plans to the winds. In Meereen the grand moment arrives for Quentyn as his long journey ends in front of Daenerys Targaryen, herself just hours from her second, dreaded wedding. Up at Winterfell Jon welcomes (kind of) Selyse Baratheon and her contingent before discovering the truth of Melisandre's fire vision of a girl and a horse. Leading us to clearly the important moment of the day....ARYA IS BACK!!!
Our chapters today are:
- Asha II/ The King's Prize
- Daenerys VII
- Jon IX
- Arya I/ The Blind Girl
So jump on over to the Isle and chatter about Asha adapting to her new reality with equal parts bravery and resignation, the absolute military disaster that is the Deepwood-Winterfell march, Daenerys' temptation in the news of the world she calls home and what could have been for her, Jon's well-intentioned but flawed plan for food as well as the intro to a whole new character, and how Arya deserves recognition not just for her assassin skills but her warging abilities too. Oh, and the fact she is ONE HUNDRED AND TEN PERCENT STARK!
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis:
Please do consider giving us a rating or review if you can, and find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at
Thanks as always!

Thursday Jan 07, 2021
A lockdown plea from the Isle of Faces
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
The United Kingdom is back in its third lockdown. We need to do this one properly.
This is a short, simple message from myself begging my fellow countrymen (and all those across the world) to stay home wherever possible and do this lockdown PROPERLY.
We've been given another chance, let's not waste this one too.
You can save lives, it's within your power, so do it.

Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Scraps and Scrolls- ADWD 11
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Yes we are back for another year of Scrapping and Scrolling as we dive right back into the Dance with another four classic chapters. This week we hit the sunshine hard as we return for our one and only trip to Dorne to set up the future plots of Doran, Arianne, and the Sand Snakes; Jon sends off his last hope of gaining the wildlings while putting Bowen Marsh and his cronies in their place; an even worse storm strikes Tyrion and company, sending them down an even darker path; and finally we return to Winterfell to see cracks in the Bolton alliance, the first fall of snow, a lonely Theon, and revelations down in the crypts.
Today's amazing chapters are:
- Areo Hotah I/ The Watcher
- Jon VIII
- Tyrion IX
- Theon V/ The Turncloak
So hop aboard the Isle, firstly so we can welcome to back to our shores, but also to have a chat about the possible secret motivations of each Sand Snake in Winds, Areo Hotah's specific role and placing in this book, Jon just being an amazing person even at his own personal cost, the similarity between Tyrion and Jorah as men who projected love onto women who never loved them back, and then everything wintery about Winterfell and the subtle clues of how this is all going to end up for Team Roose, as well as more rediscoveries of true Theon
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis:
Please do consider giving us a rating or review if you can, and find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at
Thanks as always!

Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- ADWD10
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
It felt like it half-killed me to get it ready for you. But it is HERE and it is A MONSTER. Welcome, to the longest-ever episode of the Isle of Faces!!
And why the incredible length? Because today we have not one but two of the most important chapters of the entire book and two of the major tentpoles of the series. We begin in a deep dark cave with deep dark secrets as Brandon Stark awakens his abilities even at the cost of his friends and we discover the true, awesome power of the weirwood trees. Yes, we're headed back in time. Smaller in scale though no less enjoyable is Jon Snow going on his own nostalgia trip as he heads back to the weirwood grove to make friends with a giant, Daenerys gets her own key leadership moment among the Astapori before betrayal is revealed to her, and then that scale mounts right back up again as Theon returns us to our first love...Winterfell, in a chapter rife with mystery, memory, and above all...pain.
Our amazing chapters today are:
- Bran III
- Jon VII
- Daenerys VI
- Theon IV/ The Prince of Winterfell
So hop aboard the Isle for a chit-chat about... well what don't we talk about today? There are discussions on Bran's torture of Hodor, what might have happened to Meera Reed, and the thousands of possibilities opened up to us via the weirwood. There is Jon sending yet more friends away but also showing off his leadership in the field. There is Daenerys finally succumbing to the need for something good for once and her mini-victories against the terrible Meereenese wedding customs. And there is just about everything in Winterfell. The importance of the godswood, what Mance is upto, Theon's place as a Stark, Winterfell's failed purpose, and above all a very, very difficult talk on the tragedy of Jeyne Poole complete with some extremely loud cursing about the man who put her there.
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis:
Please do consider giving us a rating or review if you can, and find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at
Thanks as always!

Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- ADWD9
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
We return to our four chapter format today. Know how I know? Because we have what might be our longest ever episode at over THREE HOURS! What's the reason for that? Is it Daenerys having to rethink strategy when she learns of Astapor's fate? Is it our sickly episode of At Home with the Boltons? Is it even Tyrion's next voyage upon the waves, now with a very significant new companion? Yes, it is those things but it's also the fact we have MELISANDRE'S POV!! The walking secret herself opens up to show us tricks, visions, and oh so many shadows as her fiery fingers wrap around one Jon Snow
Our chapters today are:
- Daenerys V
- Melisandre I
- Theon III
- Tyrion VIII
So hop aboard the Isle for a chinwag about the smoothness of Ben Plumm's betrayal or Dany starting to show some cracks. Come and wade through both the stupidity and sickening evil of two generations of Bolton. Chat about Penny's role within the story, her effect on Tyrion, and whether Quaithe was actually warning about Jorah Mormont, or come for a big talk on how Mel's irresponsibility and influence with fire visions might prove to be her most devastating power yet as well as plenty more on visions, powers, potential enemies, and ultimate intent with the life and loyalty of Jon Snow
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis:
Please do consider giving us a rating or review if you can, and find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at
Thanks as always!

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- ADWD 8
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
It's another three chapter week as we hit Volantis for the longest outing of the book. Tyrion starts a new part of his journey (again) and Jorah gets owned by the Widow (ha!). Back in Westeros Jon is having a rough time in the training yard, a harder time reading letters, and the hardest time with his Ghostie, and then we forget all about that as we reach one of the very best chapters in ASOIAF: Davos IV. It's a bitter goodbye, but what a damn send off in terms of speech, drama, and excitement
Our chapters today are:
- Tyrion VII
- Jon VI
-Davos IV
Hop aboard the Isle for how Volantis is prepped for a chaotic slave rebellion, how Jorah is a dullard with rocks for brains and what he might think of Jon Connington. We review the Kill the Boy/Send everyone Away strategy of Jon Snow before wondering if songs/music are the key to both dragons AND direwolves (clue is in the name), before a long old chat on the wondrousness that is Davos IV. The speech, the plans, THE SPIRIT OF THE STARKS RETURNING. It's all in there this time. And of course, we wave goodbye to the best.
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Please do consider giving us a rating or review if you can, and find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- ADWD 7
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Welcome to a brand new era of the Dance! For one day only we abandon the mighty triforce to focus on not one but TWO brand new POVs, with a second chapter for a fella we've only just met. Against a backdrop of establishing what's coming to Meereen in the second act we see Tyrion's suggestions come to fruition in the Golden Company as the fate of the world is changed, we see how brutal battle can be in Astapor, even for a winning side, and then back in Westeros we get even luckier as we return to a fan favourite: Asha Greyjoy. And while she shows off vulnerability, leadership, and fury, the war in the north truly begins with a battle in the trees:
Today's brand spanking new chapters are:
- The Lost Lord/ Jon Connington I
- The Windblown/ Quentyn II
- The Wayward Bride/ Asha I
Hop aboard the Isle for a chin wag on the wary empathy we can have with Jon Connington and his sense of loss, the moral make-up of the Golden Company and what it means for Westeros now they are coming, I thank George for the viewpoint of a newbie in war, there's a big look at how RIDICULOUS the Yunkish warlords are, plus analysis of the Theon the Latecomer idea, and how the North itself is made an actual enemy fighting against Asha, as well as lots of talk about how awesome she is in general. Fighter, lover, leader: captain.
There's also two JoeMagician links referenced in today's episode:
Jon Connington/Stormlands stream with BryndenBFish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KO4echyGaU8
Pretty Meris Theory: https://redd.it/6bgzp9
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Please do consider giving us a rating or review if you can, and find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- ADWD 6
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Somehow, the episodes just keep getting longer and the chapters just keep getting important....er. This week on Scraps and Scrolls we have two highs of ultimate leadership, self-sacrifice, King & Queenship, and the ultimate importance of duty above all else. But to offset that we also have two terrible, horrible, lowest of the lows in settings that could hardly be more different in Moat Cailin and Selhorys. And in amongst them all, a Cyvasse game that could very well decide the future of the entire series...
Today's chapters are:
- Reek/ Theon II
- Jon V
- Tyrion VI
- Daenerys IV
Hop aboard the Isle for discussions on the terror of the crannogmen and the use of memory comparison for Theon's revival, how Jon easily outdoes Stannis AGAIN when it comes to his own kingly moment, and Daenerys playing Scottie Pippen defence against superbly structured arguments of the political but also the flames of her own heart. All that, plus a long long talk on Tyrion's PERFECT pitch to Young Griff and his own manipulation of a young spirit before we tackle one of the toughest parts of the entire series in Tyrion and the Sunset Girl.
*Warning*: There are parts of the Tyrion chapter not all listeners will want to listen to. I certainly wouldn't have spoken about it if I had the choice. When we reach that part of the show I have included a 'Skip to this point' if you would like to bypass that discussion entirely. As always, please get in touch if you feel I did not handle this extremely sensitive point properly
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Please do consider giving us a rating or review if you can, and find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- ADWD5
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
We hit the quarterish mark of Dance by returning to our normal four chapter slate, and we've got our big three mixed with a fan fave today. War comes to Meereen from every angle at the same time war grows in the north, and it's just a little bit influenced by Jon Snow. Things get real creepy- and real important- on the Rhoyne and the Shy Maid, while Davos Seaworth steps into the Mermen's Court armed with his loyalty, his bravery, and not much else.
Today's chapters are:
- Daenerys III
- Jon IV
- Tyrion V
- Davos III
Step aboard the Isle for some conversations on Daenery's sexual awakening in Dance, the temptation she is tested with (it ain't her last), Jon's incredible skill and value up in the north (with his own temptation), Tyrion entering the world of the horror chapter, how our view of the whole series changes with this one chapter, and how Davos III might be the best ever chapter for our rereading project
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Please do consider giving us a rating or review if you can, and find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Scraps and Scrolls- ADWD 4
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
You think the Dance episodes have been monsters so far? You've seen nothing yet! On today's FIVE chapter episode we have one of the most incredible runs in all ASOIAF in terms of major events. Today we have the locking away of dragons, the reveal that Theon Greyjoy lives, Bran meeting Bloodraven, Tyrion working out he sails besides a king AND we get more Davos. They do get much more important than that.
Today's super chapters are:
- Daenerys II
- Theon I/Reek
- Bran II
- Tyrion IV
- Davos II
Hop aboard the Isle for ponderings on whether Quaithe is subtly pushing Daenerys to embracing the dragon, the emotional guilt fallout of her decision with said dragons, how Theon is made to be an active participant in his own captivity & torture, plenty of Meera Reed being AWESOME, an absolutely confirmed theory of Tyrion's tumbling capabilities being activated by dragonblood, and actually being able to enjoy Davos FREELY do his thing for once. Let the man work!
Check out History of Westeros for the live streams and main analysis, plus how to get involved with the Flick community:
Please do consider giving us a rating or review if you can, and find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at